Autoloading NIFs on Nerves

Making load-time crashes easier to debug

Native Implemented Functions (NIFs) let you significantly speed up code or make system calls that would otherwise be unavailable. However, they come with a significant cost in that when they go wrong, they can take down the entire Erlang VM. This is particularly challenging when using NIFs with Nerves when crashes happen at boot time.

A common Elixir idiom for loading NIFs with Nerves is defining a custom on_load function for a module and turning off autoloading:

@on_load {:load_nif, 0}
@compile {:autoload, false}

def load_nif() do
  nif_binary = Application.app_dir(:my_library, "priv/my_nif")
  :erlang.load_nif(to_charlist(nif_binary), 0)

By default, Elixir autoloads the module after compilation. Since Nerves crosscompiles NIFs for the target, the NIF will almost certainly fail to load on the build machine.

While effective, this idiom can make debugging NIFs harder. When a NIF fails to load on Nerves, the device reboots. This can lead to a slow and painful debug loop, involving adding printfs and repeatedly reflashing MicroSD cards. Even though Erlang supports loading modules on demand which can sometimes get NIF loads to occur after initialization, it still may not be easy to move the crash to a more convenient time.

There’s an alternative approach that offers easier debugging: Load the NIF when a function that actually calls into the NIF is invoked. This approach is straightforward since Elixir requires us to write stub functions for every function in the NIF any. Here’s a typical stub for a NIF function:

def do_something(), do: :erlang.nif_error(:nif_not_loaded)

The :erlang.nif_error/1 helper raises an exception if the NIF isn’t loaded. However, if the NIF is loaded, the corresponding C (or Zig or Rust, etc.) function is called instead.

Now, how can we load the NIF the first time the do_something/0 function is called?

First, remove the @on_load and @compile attributes at the top of the file since those are no longer needed. Then, modify do_something/0 as follows:

def do_something() do
  :ok = load_nif()
  apply(__MODULE__, :do_something, [])

Two points need to be highlighted:

  1. The :ok match for load_nif/0 ensures that the loading process works. Without this, if the loading doesn’t work, the next line will enter an endless recursion.
  2. The second point to note is that the apply/3 call is necessary to satisfy Dialyzer, a static analysis tool for BEAM languages. Dialyzer struggles to infer that load_nif/0 will replace the do_something/0 implementation and thus will complain that do_something/0 never returns.

With this change, if the NIF crashes on load and you need to debug, its easier to get the function call out of the boot or initialization path so that there’s an IEx prompt. Even though the call still crashes, more options are available:

  • Uploading new firmware over the network rather than replacing MicroSD cards
  • Uploading (like via sftp) test shared libraries to /data and loading those instead. See :code.delete/1 and :code.purge/1 for unloading the NIF.
  • Enabling more logging and sending it to a console port

One small side effect of delaying loading the NIF until use is that it might reduce boot time slightly. Loading NIFs is generally pretty quick, but if boot time is an issue, it’s one less thing to see when profiling.

Hopefully this alternative way of loading NIFs will prove handy to you as well.

nerves  elixir  nif 
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